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The Role of Human Rights in the Czech Foreign Policy

Vlaďka Mušálková Vlaďka Mušálková / Ed. 29. 12. 2015

The panel reflected of the development of the Czech foreign policy and human rights during the last 25 years.

Vlaďka Votavová, Director of the Association for International Affairs, sees a need for a non-ideological debate between the Ministry of Czech foreign policy and non-governmental organizations.
Former Member of the European Parliament, Libor Rouček, describes many Czech people being critical about the Velvet revolution, and Mr. Rouček says “After 25 years we need to concentrate on the support for the post-communist countries and to be trustworthy in the world, we need to get involved with the situation of the human right in countries like Palestine.”
Pavel Svoboda, Chair of Legal Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, thinks “the Czech foreign policy needs to concentrate on helping the third world countries to fight for the human rights like we did.
Karel Schwarzenberg, former Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, states that human right concept used to be clear, but now it is getting mixed. Mr. Schwarzenberg says “If our small country wants to be seen internationally, we need to choose something that is going to make us visible, we had human right foreign politics and that is what made us stand out. By giving it up, it is similarly as good as if we were giving up the beer production.”
Alexandr Vondra, Czech politician and diplomat, was one of the people who cooperated on writing the Czech foreign policy doctrine. Mr. Vondra argued that when in danger, the international policy helped us, and says, “The basic human rights are universal and if we ignore that there are people that are asking for them and being killed for that, we give up on the concept itself.”

Původní vydání: The Role of Human Rights in the Czech Foreign Policy

lidská práva 499
Česká republika 2823
česká zahraniční politika 1304
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