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Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky

Vyberte si z aktuálních projektů:


Model V4+

Model V4+ is a week-long MUN-type project taking place within the Prague Student Summit in the city of Prague. Five university students from each represented country – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland plus Germany – gather to discover the decision-making processes of the Visegrad Group along with their close partner – Germany. These 25 students step into roles of real diplomats in an extensive simulation of negotiations and discuss current European issues representing perspectives of their countries. Thanks to this program, they understand better not only the issues discussed but also meet colleagues from different countries, share their experience and enhance their own capabilities such as rhetoric, presentation and argumentation skills.

Více informací naleznete v anglické části webu.

Partnery Modelu V4+ jsou Mezinárodní visegrádský fond, Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky, Evropská akademie Berlín, The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, Center for European Neighborhood Studies/Středoevropská univerzita a GLOBSEC Academy Centre.


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