AMO Database of Female Experts presented its new features at the Canadian Embassy in Prague

The Database of Female Experts has grown over the past year, adding new features and new thematic focuses. In addition to its traditional areas of expertise, which include foreign, EU and international policies, it is now also open to female experts from the fields of business and sustainability. It has also introduced a system of certification for events that meet principles of gender equality. Last but not least, it now also allows everyone to nominate female experts they think belong in the Database.
These new features were introduced by AMO at a garden party organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada in Prague. As Canadian Ambassador Emily McLaughlin mentioned in her opening speech, the Embassy is a long-time supporter of the Database project. Encouraging women’s participation in public discourse is consistent with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy.
Also speaking at the Embassy’s garden was Pavlína Janebová, Director of Research at AMO, who introduced the aforementioned Database innovations. Monika Ladmanová, the current Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, then spoke about the importance of women’s participation in the public sphere. In the last speech, CEO of Czechitas Senta Čermáková stressed the importance of diversity and greater representation of women even in formerly masculinized sectors such as IT or business.
The guests’ speeches were then followed by informal networking. The garden party lasted until late in the sunny afternoon.