The V4ETTP platform hold a third workshop on 19th September in Prague.
Experts of the project partner research institutions, representatives of the Energy Ministries and of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs from each Visegrad country had an opportunity to discuss regional policy papers focused on three topics:
- Renewable Energy Sources: Regional challenges coming from the European Union’s and national climate policies
- Safe nuclear and the V4 region
- What is the way forward for the EU gas market?
In the second part of the event the invited governmental representatives and think tank researchers discussed future energy security issues.
The next meeting of the platform will take place in Budapest. Results of the 2019 State of the V4 Energy Sector – prepared by the V4ETTP ́s experts – will be discussed there.
The V4ETTP was established in 2018 with the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area. Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK, HU) as a coordinator, along with AMO, the Jagiellonian Institut (PL) and the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA, SK) are the permanent members of the platform. The V4ETTP is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.