During July and August 2019, Association for International Affairs (AMO) carried out a survey among key actors of Visegrad countries’ foreign policies. Politicians, civil servants, journalists, researchers and business representatives answered questions concerning their perception of current foreign policy issues and their expectations about them for the future. The conclusions of the survey have brought us a unique insight into how different policymakers reflect upon various foreign policy phenomena.
How do people, who create and affect Czech foreign policy look upon its present shape? Are their positions similar to those of their colleagues from the other V4 countries? Should we lift sanctions on Russia? Does China pose a threat to us? How has the perception of the UK changed in the light of the approaching date of Brexit? What is the prevailing opinion on the future course of the EU? Is cooperation under V4 considered to be an advantage? Is the Visegrad Group a united and influential actor?
More than 450 respondents from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland answered these and many other questions included in the survey carried out by AMO in July and August 2019.
Visualizations of the main findings
The survey was carried out in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and Visegrad Insight.