On the occasion of the 25 years anniversary of the Visegrad group, the Czech V4 Presidency in Vienna in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy Vienna will host a conference presenting the successful Visegrad cooperation and its future priority agendas focusing on cooperation in Central Europe. AMO will present there a unique research project Trends of Visegrad Foreign Policy.
The conference will consist of two panel discussions, one with participants from the Panel of V4 eminent personalities, and the second of the academia. The panelists will address the Visegrad cooperation targeting the successful V4 engagement within the EU and its impacts, to present the International Visegrad Fund and its achievements, as well as the perspectives of the future Visegrad cooperation focusing on Central Europe and cooperation in the region.

Confirm your registration on events.vienna@mzv.cz.
Program of the international conference 25 Years of Visegrad Cooperation: A Growing Power within the EU
Opening Speech
- Hans Winkler, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
- Mr. Hubert Heiss, DG for Europe, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
09:20 – 10:40
25 Years of Achievements and the Growing Power within the EU
- Christian Ultsch, Head of Foreign Policy Dept., Die Presse
- Libor Rouček, Chair of the Panel, former MEP
- Eduard Kukan, MEP, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Janos Martonyi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Wojciech Jerzy Gizicki, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Erhard Busek, Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, former Vice Chancellor
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:45
Regional Cooperation in Central Europe and Priority Agendas: Current Dynamics
- Beata Jaczewska, International Visegrad Fund
- Daniel Bartha, Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
- Vít Dostál, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
- Jakub Groszkowski, Center for Eastern Studies (OSW)
- Gorazd Justinek, Centre for European Perspective
- Otmar Lahodynsky (TBC), Profil weekly
- Milan Nič, Central European Policy Institute (CEPI)
12:45 – 13:00
Conclusions of the Roundtable Discussion and the Conference
- Tomáš Kafka, Central Europe Department Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech V4 Presidency
- Date and time
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
- Location
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Favoritenstraße 15A
Show on a map - Organizer
- Czech V4 Presidency in Vienna
- In cooperation with
- Visegrad Embassies in Vienna, Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe and AMO
- English