Presentation of the research project Trends of the Visegrad Foreign Policy organized by the Association for Intenational Affairs (AMO) and kindly supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Open Society Foundations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
The research project Trends of the Visegrad Foreign Policy shows extent of cohesion and areas of disagreement in this influential Central European grouping. It has addressed relevance of particular foreign policy issues, quality and importance of relations with individual countries, future of the EU as well as expectations regarding the Visegrad cooperation, international affairs and transatlantic relations.
- Vít Dostál, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
- Ivan Gabal, MP, non-partisan elected on the list of the KDU-ČSL
- Tomáš Kafka, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
- Kateřina Šafaříková, Newsweek
- Vlaďka Votavová, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
- Date and time
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
16:30-18:00- Location
Show on a map
Politických vězňů 7
Prague 1 - Organizer
- In cooperation with
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Open Society Foundations and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
- Czech