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Many shades of the Visegrad Group

Vít Dostál Vít Dostál / Ed. 1. 12. 2017

Vít Dostál and Zsuzsanna Végh published a new text on BlogActiv.eu related to the research Trends of Visegrad European Policy. In the blog, they focused on self-assessment of the V4, V4’s vision of the future of the EU, and the migration policy puzzle.

The Visegrad Group (consisting of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) has struggled with the image of being the EU’s trouble-maker, which it acquired during the refugee and migration crisis. Through 2017, Slovakia, and to a lesser extent also the Czech Republic, has started to send different political signals to the EU than Hungary and Poland, as Prague and Bratislava wanted to be seen as more constructive members of the European Union. At the same time, Poland and Hungary were ready to enter new conflicts with Brussels and some Member States.

To contribute to understanding what the Visegrad Group actually thinks, we have explored the opinions of the European policy communities of the four countries in the “Trends of Visegrad European Policy” project. The results reflect the views held by 450 European policy-makers and opinion-leaders, who answered a 20-questions long questionnaire.

You can read the full text here.

Original source: Many shades of the Visegrad Group

Czech Republic 624
European Union 389
Hungary 95
Poland 250
Slovakia 118
Visegrad Group 260
migration 58
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