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Association for International Affairs

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AMO and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organize an international expert roundtable.

Founded in 1991, the Visegrad Group has established itself on the European scene in the course of the past 25 years as a noticeable coalition able to pursue its interests. However, the Visegrad Group countries send mixed signals to the debate on the future of the EU. Slovakia – the only Eurozone member in the V4 – confirms that it wants to be part of EU’s core. The Czech Republic is reluctant to join the Eurozone, yet demands to be fully involved into all reform talks. On the other hand, Poland and Hungary insist on a profound reform of the EU including the Treaty change. Moreover, the divergences of the sectoral policies seem to mount up as well, as the voting on the Posted Workers Directive showed in October 2017.

Thus, what does the Visegrad Group actually think? Results of the project Trends of the Visegrad European Policy will be presented and debated at the event. The project comprised of a poll conducted among 450 top V4’s EU policy-, decision-, and opinion-makers, which will bring a unique insight into their views.

 13:45 – 14:00            Registration and light lunch

14:00 – 14:45             What does the V4 think about the future of the EU

  • Vít Dostál, Director of the Research Centre, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
  • Tomáš Madleňák, Research Fellow, Slovak Foreign Policy Association
  • Marta Przywała, Research Fellow, Kościuszko Institute
  • Zsuzsanna Végh, Research Fellow, European University Viadrina; Associate Researcher, European Council on Foreign Relations

The panel will present results of research “Trends of the Visegrad European Policy” – a detailed survey on the future of the EU conducted among European policy elites of the four countries.

14:45– 15:00              First comments

  • Federico Reho, Research Officer, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Brussels
  • Viktória Jančošeková, Manager of Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies’ President office

15:00– 15:45            Discussion

The event shall be chaired by Filip Nerad (Correspondent in Brussels, Czech Radio).

15:45                          Refreshments and networking

Date and time

Thursday, November 23, 2017



Wilfried Martens Centre

20 Rue du Commerce

1000 Brussels


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In cooperation with
Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
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