AMO together with Stopfake and Demagog supports Ukrainian factchecking

AMO together with Ukrainian Stopfake and Czech platform Demagog launches new project which should strengthen the awareness of factchecking as a tool for combating propaganda.
Media war is an integral part of the Ukrainian conflict. Propaganda is a daily reality that affects primarily the Ukrainians themselves.
One of the tools for combating disinformation is factchacking – monitoring and controling the veracity of the information.
The aim of our new project Strengthening the Public Scrutiny in Ukrainian Regions is to contribute to an objective and independent informing of the Ukrainian public by struggle against false information. The project should increase the number of critical articles about the sayings and actions of local politicians and increase independent blogs as well as the trust to the regional media.
AMO has launched the project in a cooperation with and and with a kind support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the framework of the Transition Promotion Program.