Protecting cyberspace in the V4: Towards implementation of the EU’s cyber-security strategy
Policy paper elaborated in the framework of the project Cyber Security in the V4: Preparing the Region for a New Reality coordinated by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI). The paper is co-authored by AMO Research Fellow Tomáš Rezek.
The aims of the project are three-fold:
1) To elaborate an updated and usable terminology in the field of cyber security;
2) to draw possible new crisis scenarios, that could help state institutions to better prepare for and understand the wide scope of cyber-security threats, going well beyond the concept of the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, traditionally used to illustrate cybersecurity threats; and
3) to analyse the new European strategy and recommend ways of its implementation.
This document was elaborated in the framework of the “Cyber Security in the Visegrad Region (CSV4)” project supported by the International Visegrad Fund.