Students from the Czech and the Slovak Republic came to Prague to conclude their yearlong work at the Prague Student Summit.
The Opening Ceremony of the Final Conference of the XXII year of the Prague Student Summit took place on Friday, April 7 in Hotel Ambassador – Zlatá husa at the Wenceslas Square in Prague. The event was visited by interesting public personalities, who addressed the students with their speeches. The Chief Coordinator Eva Prudilová described the importance of the existence of educational projects and her Deputy Filip Jelínek talked about the history of the whole project.
The panel of guests started with a speech of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubomír Zaorálek, who emphasized the importance of civic education and accented the usefulness of projects such as the Prague Student Summit. Other speeches were held, among others, by the Minister of Defense Martin Stropnický, the Editor in chief of the magazine Respekt Erik Tabery and the Chairwoman of the Foundation Beauty of Help Taťána Kuchařová. The students also received greetings via video from the UN Secretary General António Guterres.
Several tens of high school and university students also spoke during the Opening Ceremony, presenting to their colleagues the foreign policy goals of states they represented. Not only that a large number of students got a unique opportunity to speak in front of a large audience, but also every single speech also received a high-quality feedback.
The Opening Ceremony was followed by three days of intense diplomatic negotiations, which took place at the Prague Congress Centre. The students dealt, for instance, with recent terrorist attacks in London, Petersburg and Stockholm, or discussed North Korean nuclear program. Other topics were forced labour, prohibition of interruptions or green economy. The aim of the diplomatic negotiation was to adopt a viable document as similar as possible to the document which could be passed in a real international organization. The students were successful in this effort.
Because of the Prague Student Summit, the students gained a unique opportunity to experience the functioning of international organizations and to try the roles of diplomats on the very highest level. During the negotiation days not only did they perfect their rhetorical skills, but they also had the opportunity to present all knowledge they had obtained throughout the year.