Today at 10:00, the Opening Ceremony of the Prague Student Summit began on the premises of the Ambassador – Zlatá Husa Hotel. As each season, distinguished guests will have speeches to more than 300 students from the Czech Republic and five other Central European states during the ceremony. The Opening Ceremony precedes three-day simulation of negotiations of four key international organizations and regional groups.
The opening ceremony will start with the speech of this year’s Chief Coordinator Jakub Janik who has spoken, among other topics, about the aims of the project:
“One of the main aims of the Prague Student Summit is to teach you, the participants, how to think critically, how to be tolerant towards the opinions of other people, how to reach compromises, and how not to be lured into the traps of the simple solutions which were dictated to you by the stronger individual. The young generation is the future of this state and it should know how to defend itself against the populistic statements which usually do not provide the most important thing – the way how to achieve the right solution.
During the first part of the opening speeches, the participants will be addressed by, among others, the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg, the Ambassador of Canada to the Czech Republic, His Excellency Otto Jelinek, or Hana Halfarová, the project directress of the Kellner Family Foundation.
Among the participants will be, apart from the high school students from all over the Czech Republic, even the university students from the Visegrad Group countries, Germany, and Austria.
During the second part, the member of the European Parliament Dita Charanzová, the chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Czech Senate Václav Hampl, the writer Michal Horáček or the director of the Czech branch of Doctors Without Borders Pavel Gruber will appear. Moreover, also other interesting guests will arrive later, among others Štefan Füle, the former EU commissioner.
Download the whole program of the Opening Ceremony here.
The program of the Opening Ceremony is prepared in order to enrich students in multiple fields of human endeavor and to provide a platform for sharing opinions and for personal meeting of participants and guests. We gratefully thank all speakers and guests. Special acknowledgement belongs to our partners. They made the organization of this project, whose significance has been steadily rising, possible.