Participants and organizers of Prague Student Summit returned from a two-day study visit of Vienna, where they visited UNO City and Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations, OSCE and other International Organizations in Vienna. They also had an opportunity to gain energy for upcoming conference’s negotiations in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
On Thursday at early morning hours, more than 30 participants of Summit set out on their journey to the Viennese Central of the UN. During a one-hour visit in UNO City, they had a chance to learn, which committees reside there, what topics are dealt with by the diplomats in Vienna, but also how many employees work there and how many windows are on the building. After that, they enjoyed sightseeing in the historical part of Vienna.
See other photos from the excursion here.
Students spent their Friday morning at the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN and OSCE in Vienna, located at the Czech embassy. They were welcomed by the Deputy Permanent Representative Jaroslav Štěpánek who was their guide for almost the whole morning program. During interactive lectures, they could learn about the work of Czech mission in Vienna, about purpose and aims of the negotiation and also about some background information, not only from the negotiations. After the end of the official program, some participants visited Schönbrunn Palace, some of the museums in Vienna or they also tasted famous Sachertorte.
Čerpejte z vlastních a mnoha zdrojů. Udělejte si vlastní obrázek a názor i za cenu, že bude špatný. Zprávy jsou často účelové nebo nekompetentní, ani já mnohdy nejsem schopen to rozeznat. Berte všechny informace s rezervou.
Jaroslav Štěpánek, Deputy Permanent Representative Tweet it Pass
The whole project puts an emphasis on the real experience of participants and on their own gain of information which can be used as a basis for their own opinions. For this reason, visits of the institutions, which create international politics, are one of the key aspects for the understanding of the international relations.