Final Conference concluded XXIII season of the Prague Student Summit

The Final Conference of XXIII season of the Prague Student Summit begun on Friday 9th March 2018. It consequently included three days of diplomatic simulation at the Prague Congress Centre, during which participants experienced the roles of diplomats and tried to pass documents on various topics.
First photos from the Opening Ceremony
DownloadThe Conference started in Ambassador Zlata Husa Hotel on Wenceslas Square and was attended by more than 400 guests. Many interesting speakers addressed the students. Among others, civil society activist and presidential candidate Marek Hilšer, U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic Stephen B. King or the Managing Director of the non-profit organization Člověk v tísni (People in Need) Šimon Pánek. Motivating speeches were also given by, among others, DVTV anchor-woman Daniela Drtinová, who spoke about the importance of media in a free society, and philosopher Václav Bělohradský.
Interview with the Chief Coordinator Eva Prudilová on ČT24
DownloadAfter the Opening Ceremony, the participants moved to the Residence of the Mayor of Prague, where they could, on very convenient premises, talk to other students about their priorities for upcoming negotiations. On Saturday 10th March three-day long diplomatic negotiations started on the premises of the Prague Congress Centre, where students in their respective bodies and models seriously negotiated about various topics.
Final Conference in the press
DownloadAmong the topics of the conference was, for instance, the security situation in Syria, LGBTIQ rights, death penalty or cyber-criminality. During the simulation, the participants of the project were to advocate the positions of their represented state as authentically as possible and tried to successfully find a consensus on passing a document, which expresses the position of the respective body or model about the discussed topic.