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Association for International Affairs

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The prime beginning

History of the project is counted for decades. The first mentions about simulating negotiation of an international organization in the Czech Republic go back to 1995.
A group of enthusiastic students simulated a negotiation of the UN Security Council which was inspired by the membership of the Czech Republic in the real Council from 1994 to 1995. By that time no one knew they made an avalanche move. Some students started to prepare a more ambitious project afterwards – the Prague Model of the UN (PMUN). Roughly fifteen volunteers laid the foundations of a project that later developed to current appearance of the Prague Student Summit.

The decade of progress

The vision of the students became reality. The first season of the PMUN successfully started in 1996. By the very end of the last day of the conference negotiations in the area of former Federal Assembly, the atmosphere was clear – another seasons would be organized.

A year after, the Czech Association for Development of International Cooperation was founded (later renamed as the Association for International Affairs) under which the project has been organized ever since by university students.
Already the first season was attended by two hundreds of students in sixty delegations from all over the Czech Republic. The project gained on size and was became medially known.
During the following years the auspices was taken by important figures such as Václav Havel, Petr Pithart, Madeleine Albright or Karel Schwarzenberg.


The Prague Student Summit gives to the students a unique opportunity to get to know the United Nations, European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in practice

Madeleine Albright


During the years the Prague Model of the United Nations restructured, upgraded and expanded when it comes to the programme, extra events, level of the negotiations in each committee, public presentations, personal composition of the preparatory team or the venues where it took place.
During the past years you could have met the participants in the Congress Centre Prague, Černínský palace (the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic), the Municipal House, the Ball Game Hall at the Prague Castle or the Hotel Praha. All these venues were provided because of prestigious partnerships.

The Prague Student Summit

After eleven successful seasons, in the autumn of the 2006, the organization team decided to move the project further. The Prague Model of the UN got two younger siblings – the Model NATO (for high school students and lead in English) and the Model of the European Union for university students. By that act, the project was transformed into the Prague Student Summit.

The Summit continues to focus mostly on education and personal development of young people. It is trying to add to the development of an active civil society in our country through its precisely defined goals and it is opened to new topics and views. With a new graphic design that is referring to the three simulated organizations the number of committees at the Model UN to six was stabilized.

XVII. season changed the history not only by creating its own information system FOX through which all the organization was managed just like the communication with the participants.

Another great changes came with the XX. season when a new model of the V4+ group was added together with another committee to the Model UN (DISEC) and the information system gained changes too.

With the XXI. season few things at the Prague Student Summit were altered. New committees UNEA and ECOFIN were created and the WTO was temporarily cancelled. A completely new information system BADGE was introduced too.

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