On March 7-8, 2016, AMO organized several events aimed at presenting the Czech-Polish perspective on the current situation and the future of Central Europe and Prague-Warsaw relations.
Research project titled “New Horizons of the Czech-Polish Cooperation” is carried out with the collaboration of the Warsaw-based Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) and kindly supported by the Czech-Polish Forum.
Closed roundtable with participation of many Polish and Czech experts discussed current divisions between the West and East within the EU and tried to search for joint solutions and initiatives in the Czech-Polish and Central European format. See the photos from the event here.
Interview with Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse in the Czech TV on the European challenges (in Czech)
DownloadThe following public debate in Polish Institute in Prague focused on the question whether is the Central Europe predestined to be an “ethernal periphery”. The topic was discussed by Marek Cichocki (Natolin European Centre), Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse (Warsaw University) and Michal Kořan (Institute of International Relations). To see the photogallery click here.
Briefing Paper of Vít Dostál on Czech-Polish relations (in Czech)
DownloadWe also organized a breakfast for journalists with Marek Cichocki (Natolin European Centre) and Łukasz Pawłowski (Kultura Liberalna) within our regular sessions supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.