Roundtable with Serbian investigative journalists on mapping foreign influence in Serbia

During the visit of Serbian independent journalists to Prague, AMO organized a roundtable focused on Serbia’s foreign influence landscape from the perspective of investigative journalists. The event was attended by ten Serbian journalists who participated in an AMO-run project, as well as representatives from Czech governmental and non-governmental institutions and media actively engaged with the issue.
The Serbian journalists presented the topics they have covered within the project, which involved reporting on various foreign influences in their country. They shared insights from their recent investigations, highlighting the challenges and strategies used to uncover and report on foreign actors’ influence in Serbia.
The discussion addressed the presence of Chinese, Russian, Hungarian, and Western influences, shedding light on how these powers have shaped Serbia’s domestic and foreign policies as well as media landscape and narratives. The roundtable was moderated by AMO Balkan analysts Petr Čermák and Barbora Chrzová.
The roundtable was supported by the Transition Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.