Belarusian teachers learned about media education at Czech urban and provincial schools

AMO organized second study trip to the Czech Republic for Belarusian educational workers on media education.
A week-long tour was attended by the seven most active Belarusian teachers, who are participating in our activities in Belarus on a long-term basis.
The aim of the tour was to introduce practical aspects related to media education and education in Czech schools in general. Therefore, apart from the usual visit of Elementary School Vratislavova, we also visited Elementary School Panenský Týnec and Secondary School Přírodní škola. This way, our foreign colleagues could see the reality of Czech urban and provincial schools and observe methods of unconventional Czech secondary school. All schools offered the possibility to be present at their lessons, which were followed by discussion with teachers and director of the school. Secondary School Přírodní škola even organized discussion meeting with their students.
The next part of the program included educational excursions and visits to media organizations. We visited, for example, the seat of Economia Publishing, where we were informed about the work of journalists in newspapers, magazines and internet television. We discussed the issue of media manipulation and how Czech media covers Eastern Europe. The program also included parts focused on introduction of media education in schools. As a part of the cultural program we visited the Strahov Library.