Second seminar of this year’s CGYPP Program took place in Brno

The ninth year of the annual Czech-German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP) continued last week with its second seminar in Brno.
Fourteen participants from Germany and the Czech Republic have been invited to participate in the annual series of workshops and to collaborate on relevant economic, political, and social issues. This year’s topic is Chances and Challenges of Digitalization.
The program of the second session was opened by a panel discussion with Prof. Pavel Václavek on the Cybernetics in Material Science and the on-Site Visit and presentation of the CEITEC + labs. The main focus of this lab are Smart sensors and signal processing, sensors design using new materials, Advanced control technologies, Mobile robotic systems and many others.
Program followed by the Public Film Screening – The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz – this movie deals with the issue of Internet security and the relationship between technology and civil rights in the world of today. This screening was followed by discussion.
Furthermore, the participants had a unique opportunity to visit Avast company and join the discussion round with Jakub Křoustek on Staying Safe in the Cyber World. The Friday program continued by discussion Revision Time? Festival Meeting Brno in Present and Past with Blanka Návratová from Meeting Brno.
The working Lunch with Pavlína Louženská and Jenda Perla was focusing on The Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing and its role within marketing strategy including the discussion about the role of the woman in marketing sector. This topic continued by How to Get More Women in Tech Discussion Round with Lenka Franců from the project Czechitas, that is focusing on the digital literacy trainings and workshops at the Faculty of Informatics.
Furthermore, the participants had a unique opportunity to Explore the city of Brno throw the Interactive City Tour and Explore the Villa Stiassni, originally built for the family textile factory owner Alfred Stiassni, later to be known as a government villa that hosted many important state visits, such as President Edvard Benes or Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
You can see the CGYPP Brno workshop in pictures here. The full program you can find here.
The project is organized by the Association for International Affairs (AMO) in cooperation with the European Academy of Berlin (EAB) and co-funded by the Czech-German Fund for the Future and the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung.