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Join the CGYPP in 2022!

Michael Murad Michael Murad / Ed. 14. 2. 2022
Join the CGYPP in 2022!

Do you want to gain new perspectives and become a part of a vibrant Czech-German Network? Are you interested in cross-border and cross-sector cooperation? Are you a young professional with at least three years of working experience and good English skills? Apply for the Czech-German Young Professionals Program 2022!

During the program year, you will be invited to three intense and high-quality units consisting of seminars, on-site visits and team-building activities (4 days each, in Berlin, Prague and other cities) and will become a part of a growing international network of committed and talented people from the Czech Republic and Germany.

Broaden your horizons and meet new inspiring people! Find out more about the network at our webpage and on our Facebook and Instagram.

The deadline for applications is March 20, 2022. Find the application form here.

The program is initiated and financed by the Czech-German Fund for the Future.

Please, find here CGYPP 2022 call poster

What is CGYPP?

Established in 2008, a growing international network of committed and talented people from the Czech Republic and Germany (more than 140 in 2021).

What does CGYPP offer each year?

  • Three intense and high-quality units consisting of seminars, on-site visits, peer-learning and intercultural team-building activities (program may be affected by COVID-19 pandemic, our priority is the safety and health of all participants).
  • Interaction with a broad range of distinguished German and Czech experts.
  • The opportunity to develop one’s own initiative or project (podcast).
  • Improvement of presentation, leadership, intercultural and media skills.
  • The stimulus for a future professional career.
  • Membership in a prestigious alumni network.

What is the CGYPP 2022 Topic?

How to Build Resilient Societies: In the past few years, we as individuals as well as our communities and societies have been facing multifaceted challenges. The ongoing globalization, various economic crisis, disinformation, rise of populism, climate change, influence from foreign authoritarian actors or lately the Covid-19 pandemic have shaken the very fundaments of the western societies. The stability and basic values are being tested.

How can we cope with the dynamic developments? How can we face these challenges as individuals and society? What can we learn from our past experiences? What will society look like in the future? How can we turn problems into solutions and new benefits? How can we strengthen international cooperation? How do we keep our individual integrity and build up a resilient society?

These and other topical questions will be addressed at the 13th year of the CGYPP. We want to discuss these dynamics and possible answers to today’s challenges in a Czech-German context. Creatively, interactively and critically, with a wide range of political and economic leaders, with leading journalists and experts – and we want to share our insights with the general public.

Where and when will CGYPP take place?

  1. Berlin, 15. 5. – 18. 5. 2022 (Sunday afternoon – Wednesday noon)
  2. Prague, 9. 6. – 12. 6. 2022 (Thursday afternoon – Sunday noon)
  3. Liberec, 15. 9. – 18. 9. 2022 (Thursday afternoon – Sunday noon)
    • Please note that the program may be affected by COVID-19 pandemic, our priority is the safety and health of all participants.

Who are the participants?

  • Czechs and Germans with open mindset in the age of 25-40 with varying professional backgrounds (from the fields of academia, business, media, politics, public administration and NGOs)
  • Selected 12-14 young professionals for one programme year become Alumni after full attendance of the three program units

Who can apply?

Young professionals with at least 3 years’ work experience from the Czech Republic and Germany with strong interest in cross-sector and cross-border cooperation, who speak fluent English.

How to apply?

To apply go to www.cgypp.eu/join-us and fill in the application form by March 20, 2022.

Please enclose:

1) Cover letter in English (2 pages max.)

2) CV in English (in tabular form)

In case of your acceptance, we charge a one-time participation fee of 242 EUR. We cover your program arrangement, travel expenses, accommodation, and board. You are expected to attend all program component units in full. In justified cases (e.g., employees in non-profit organizations) the participation fee may be reduced. In this case, please contact us by email.

Why is it worth it?

Watch here!

Who are the contact persons?

  • For Czech candidates: Michael Murad, michael.murad@amo.cz, Tel.: +420 721 823 366
  • For German candidates: Julia Aertken, jualia.aertken@eab-berlin.eu, Tel.: +49 (0)30 89 59 51 45

Who are the organizers?

Czech Association for International Affairs (AMO)

German European Academy Berlin

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