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Contemporary History Textbooks in the South Caucasus

Luboš Veselý / Ed. 11. 8. 2018
Contemporary History Textbooks in the South Caucasus

The publication contains analysis of current history textbooks in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and also recommendations for change. A goal is by no means to find a single view of history in the South Caucasus.

The text was published within the project Dealing with past in V4 as an inspiration for South Caucasus supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The aim of this project was to bring together young historians and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and give them the opportunity to familiarise with examples of dealing with problematic issues from Central European history. Based on post 1989 development of V4 countries and study of current situation in South Caucasus, the Central European experience could be strong inspiration for desperately needed reconciliation and regional cooperation between nations of South Caucasus.

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Post-Soviet Region 98
Russia 208
Visegrad Group 260
education 109
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