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8 of December, – 9:00 – 11:00 CET, Online

Hydrogen is expected to play a crucial role in the decarbonisation of our economies. At the online event – organised by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary and the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform – we will focus onthe latest H2-related developments in the V4 countries.

After the opening by Mr. Attila Steiner, State Secretary for Circular Economy, Energy and Climate Policy, Hungary, the speakers will disseminate the recent research results which will contribute to a more profound, better understanding of hydrogen’s role in reaching the decarbonisation targets.


  • Michał Mroskowiak, Institute Jagiellonski (PL):Overproduction from renewable sources in Poland – when will it occur and how hydrogen can help in solving it
  • Oldřich Sklenář, AMO Research Center (CZ):The potential of hydrogen in decarbonising the industry in the Czech Republic
  • Péter Kotek, REKK (HU):Chapters from supply side and demand side hydrogen modelling
  • Ádám Balogh, Energy Community Secretariate:The potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community

The event will take place within the framework of the official program of the Hungarian Presidency 2021/22 of the Visegrad Group. The language of the event is English.

Participation at the online workshop is free. Please register on this link

Date and time

8th of december, 9:00 – 11:00 CET



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