In June, as part of the Conference on Czech Eastern Policy hosted by the Association of International Affairs (AMO) in Prague, the CHOICE team organized a panel discussion on European security in light of the Sino-Russian deepening partnership.
Moscow and Beijing have significantly boosted their ties since February 2022. Apart from China serving as a main economic lifeline to Russia and a source of key technological goods enabling its continued aggression against Ukraine, the two countries are also stepping up their strategic cooperation globally. As Bejing lends support to Russia’s demands to fundamentally reshape the European security architecture beyond its ambitions in Ukraine, China has undeniably become a factor shaping the geopolitical future of the continent.
The esteemed speakers Tomáš Pojar, National Security Adviser of the Government of the Czech Republic, Gudrun Wacker, Senior Fellow in the Asia Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP) and Yurii Poita, Head of the Asia-Pacific Section at Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies discussed China’s role in Russia’s war against Ukraine, its desired vision for post-conflict geopolitical rearrangement, and the question of how the EU can empower its derisking strategy to rebalance the relationship with Beijing and respond to its tightening ties with Moscow. The event was moderated by Filip Šebok, Research Fellow at the Association for International Affairs (AMO).
The final segment of the discussion was dedicated to a Q&A session with the audience. The participants included representatives of the government, journalists and members of the security community.