Celebrations of the Czech-German Fund for the Future

AMO attended the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Czech-German Fund for the Future which included a neighbouring festival at the Manes Bridge in Prague where we presented our activities to the general public.
Since 2008, AMO has co-organized the prestigious Czech-German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP), which has been attended by more than 100 Czechs and Germans over the last 10 years, thus forming an active network of young people with work experience from various fields, especially media, business, NGO sector and the public administration.
In addition, AMO annually holds public debates and a closed expert meeting on Czech-German relations, and also publishes and comments extensively on the subject in the media. Our main specialist on Germany is Zuzana Lizcová, Research Fellow with AMO Research Center.
As a part of its educational projects, AMO contributes to the deepening of Czech-German relations thanks to the involvement of German students in the international model of the Prague Student Summit in the last two years.
Photos from the neighbouring festival are available here.