Belarus after the ”election”: What future for the Lukashenka regime?

Publication analyses the situation in Belarus after presidential elections in March 2006. It is co-authored by AMO and Stefan Batory Foundation.
Central and Eastern Europe and the Future of the European China Debate
Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states
Enhancing the Capacities of Serbian Investigative Journalists in Mapping Foreign Influence in Serbia
Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans
Publication analyses the situation in Belarus after presidential elections in March 2006. It is co-authored by AMO and Stefan Batory Foundation.
Belarusian Politics toward Ukraine and its relations with the EU on the back of pressure from Moscow
Between East and West: Foreign Policy Prospects of Belarus
European Union and the Multilateral Order: Eastern Partnership between Instrument and Policy
Active and Cohesive. Tomorrow’s EU Policy towards Belarus