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Tomáš Uhnák

Tomáš Uhnák


Tomáš Uhnák received his master’s degree from the food policy program at City, University of London. He is currently a PhD student and research fellow at the Czech University of Life Sciences. His agenda includes discursive, ideological, social, and material formations of agro-food paradigms and regimes, alternative food networks, organic agriculture, and theories of transformation of food systems, including impacts of climate change on food production and farmers. He is a member of the Association of Local Food Initiatives (AMPI), where his agenda involves community-supported agriculture, food sovereignty, and agroecology. He contributes regularly to academic journals and a number of Czech and international magazines on the topics of the social aspects of agriculture and the political economy of food systems. He is an extensive fruit cultivator with a focus on agroforestry and heirloom fruit varieties.

He is a panelist at AMO klima Conference: Making European food systems work for people, climate, and biodiversity.

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