Central and Eastern Europe and the Future of the European China Debate
Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states
Enhancing the Capacities of Serbian Investigative Journalists in Mapping Foreign Influence in Serbia
Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans
Michael Rozsypal works as moderator at Czech Radio Plus. From 2009 to 2014 he worked at AMO.
Michael Rozsypal studied political science and international relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague, where he now continues studying political science. He spent one term studying political science at the ULB in Brussels. From 2009 to 2014 he worked at AMO, he was also Chief Coordinator of the largest educational project – Prague Student Summit in 2011-2013.
He experienced an internship in Czech Television. Now he works at Czech Radio. He has been working there as reporter and host since 2012. In 2013 he worked as a external reporter in the domestic office in ČRo Radiožurnál.