Central and Eastern Europe and the Future of the European China Debate
Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states
Enhancing the Capacities of Serbian Investigative Journalists in Mapping Foreign Influence in Serbia
Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans
Marie Heřmanová is an author in Deník Referendum
She studied social anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, where she is currently completing her PhD studies, too. She focuses on migration, media, and anthropology of cities. Ms Heřmanová worked as a Media Coordinator of the Migration Program run by the People in Need and currently works at the Open Society Fund in Prague, where she manages communication and coordination activities in the area of migration and refugees. She regularly cooperates with various non-profit organizations in the field of migration and media communication, she writes to the media, and also works as a spokesperson for Czech volunteers who help refugees on the Balkan route. She is a member of Anthropictures, an applied study of anthropological research.