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Lukáš Martin

Lukáš  Martin

Director for International Affairs at the Czech Confederation of Industry

Born in the Czech Republic, Lukas’ family migrated to Australia in 1982. He has spent half of his life in Europe and half in the Asia-Pacific. This experience gives him rare insight into the cultures, economic strengths and business dynamics of both regions. Lukas is a strong advocate for the positive power of open markets and free trade. Lukas graduated from La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia and the University of Essex in Colchester, U.K. He received a prestigious Chevening Scholarship from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to study in the UK. Currently Lukas heads the International Affairs Department of the Czech Confederation of Industry. This department is responsible for activities concerning trade policy, economic diplomacy and EU affairs. Lukas is a member of the Confederation’s expert Economic Policy and European Union Teams and a member of BusinessEurope’s International Relations Committee. Since February 2021 he serves as Vice-Chair, China Expert Group, Business at OECD (BIAC).

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