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Jana Vítková

Jana Vítková


Jana Vítková has been focusing on analytical and project activities in the field of food and sustainability since 2021, mainly at the international level. She gained experience, among others, while working on the Fresh Ventures programme related to food systems in Rotterdam and collaborating on the Horizon project MERLIN, which focused among others on the agriculture and water transport sectors, within the Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF NL) near Utrecht, the Netherlands. In her spare time, Jana organises and facilitates a community education association focusing on environmental issues and their connection to climate justice issues. Her professional interests also include the topics of timber buildings and digitalisation in construction. Jana is co-author of the publication Circular Food Futures, published by INCIEN.

She is a panelist at AMO klima Conference: Making European food systems work for people, climate, and biodiversity.

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