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Filip Noubel

Filip  Noubel

AMO Research Fellow


Filip Noubel is Senior China Analyst at AMO, where he specializes in Chinese domestic politics and society and Cross-Strait (China-Taiwan) relations.

He has more than three decades of research experience focusing on China. Before joining AMO, Filip worked as an analyst, commentator, journalist, interpreter and consultant for various organizations, including the International Crisis Group, the Institute of War and Peace Reporting, the International Center for Communication Development, Global Voices, etc. He lived in China, Central Asia, Nepal and Taiwan. He speaks fluent Czech, French and Russian, has an excellent command of English and Chinese, has a conversational command of Turkish, Uzbek, Greek and other languages.

Filip Noubel received the DEA (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies) at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures (INALCO) in Paris, where he specialized in Russian studies with minors in Czech and East Asian languages (Mandarin Chinese and Japanese). He also studied at the Central University for Minorities in Beijing.

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