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Eliška Selinger

Eliška Selinger


MUDr. Eliška Selinger, MSc., is an expert in epidemiology, public health and nutrition. Her scientific work focuses on the impact of plant-based diets and the risks of associated nutritional deficiencies in children and adults. She works as a lecturer at Charles University, where she teaches epidemiology and the foundations of the evidence-based approach to medicine, as well as courses on public health nutrition and the care of vegetarian patients. As a consultant and public health specialist, she is currently involved in the development of a range of policies, recommendations and strategies aimed at chronic disease prevention and promotion of a healthy nutritional environment. In addition to her scientific work, she is active in science communication and public education.

She is a panelist at AMO klima Conference: Making European food systems work for people, climate, and biodiversity.

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