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Association for International Affairs

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Barbora Formelová

Barbora Formelová

Project Assistent

Barbora worked as an AMO Project Assistent.

She is a student of International Relations and European Studies at Masaryk University in Brno. She studied for half a year at the University of Lille, France, as part of the Erasmus programme. She is primarily interested in European politics and EU foreign policy.

In AMO, she cooperates in the organization of lectures and debates in the Czech regions, as well as in projects „Strengthening the Resilience of Czech, Slovak, and Polish Societies Prior to the 2024 European Parliament Elections“, ” Women in Czech Foreign, European and Security Policy”, and projects related to Czech Eastern Policy.

Previously, she worked as a volunteer at Transparency International or the News Agency of Slovak Republic.

This profile has not been updated since January 2025.

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