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Stephen B. King

Stephen B. King

Ambassador of the United States to the Czech Republic

Stephen B. King was confirmed by the Senate on October 5, 2017 as the U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic. He is a prominent public servant and businessman who successfully acquired, built, and sold a specialty chemical manufacturing business and founded a family investment business. Ambassador King served as a National Committeeman for the Wisconsin Republican Party from 2007-2017.

Earlier in his career, Ambassador King investigated civil rights violations for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, served as an investigator for the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and was named Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for liaison between USDA and the Agriculture Committees of the House and Senate.

Ambassador King earned a M.A. and a B.S. at Western Illinois University. He grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He is married to the former Karen Ruyle. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren.

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