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Association for International Affairs

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Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 68 zrušit AMO klima 29 zrušit Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states 4 zrušit Czech-German Young Professionals Program 46 zrušit Czech-Polish Cooperation 15 zrušit Educational projects in Ukraine 8 zrušit Enhancing the Capacities of Serbian Investigative Journalists in Mapping Foreign Influence in Serbia 25 zrušit China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) 60 zrušit Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans 2 zrušit MapInfluenCE 66 zrušit Prague Student Summit 45 zrušit Strengthening the Public Scrutiny in Ukrainian Regions 11 zrušit Strengthening the Resilience of Czech, Slovak, and Polish Societies Prior to the 2024 European Parliament Elections 15 zrušit Trends of Visegrad European Policy 13 zrušit Women in Czech Foreign, European and Security Policy 25 zrušit
ALYAS - AMO Lectures for Young Asia Scholars 20 zrušit Connecting V4 and other regional expert networks 6 zrušit Countering disinformation in the V4 and the Balkan region 3 zrušit Czech-German Debates in 2016: Towards the New Phase of Relations? 1 zrušit Czech Republic in NATO: Debate on Defense and Security Policy 16 zrušit Debunking myths about migration 6 zrušit Development of Alternative Education for Ukrainian Teachers 19 zrušit Digital New Deal 25 zrušit Eastern Partnership Vilnius Summit 2 zrušit Educational projects in Belarus 25 zrušit European Lunches: Raising Czech Media Awareness on the EU 6 zrušit European Lunches: The Future of Eurozone 1 zrušit German and Austrian 2017 Elections 2 zrušit Challenging the Czech Tales on European Policies 2 zrušit Chinese Influence in V4: Understanding the Impact on Political Elites 3 zrušit Lessons Learned from the Czech Democratic Transformation 3 zrušit Literary Contest for university students in the Czech Republic 3 zrušit Middle Income Trap in V4 Countries? 5 zrušit Migration of Ukrainian Students to Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary 2 zrušit Prague Transatlantic Talks 23 zrušit Public Administration Reform in Visegrad Countries: Lessons Learned for Belarus and Ukraine 4 zrušit Russia and the 2017 Czech Elections 2 zrušit Transfer of Best Practices in School Management and International Cooperation to PHDPU 4 zrušit Trends of Czech European Policy 6 zrušit Trends of Czech Foreign Policy 1 zrušit Trends of Eastern Partnership 10 zrušit Trends of the Czech European Policy 10 Years after Accession 2 zrušit Trends of Visegrad Foreign Policy 15 zrušit Two Years After Euromaidan 1 zrušit U.S. Presidential Debate Simulations 2 zrušit Visegrad Summer School 6 zrušit V4 Energy Think Tank Platform 3 zrušit V4 Supporting Communication Strategy on implementing AA and DCFTA 3 zrušit
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