8th year of ALYAS has been concluded by the lecture of Jacopo Pepe

The last lecture of a special series of ALYAS focused on alumni was delivered by an expert from DGAP, a Berlin-based foreign policy think-tank, Dr. Jacopo Pepe.
Dr. Pepe addressed the geopolitics of Chinese Belt and Road initiative and its implications for manufacturing core of Central Europe. He particularly focused on the impact of the initiative on economic interconnection between Germany and V4 countries. The lecture took place on the roof-top of the Lucerna Palace.
The pictures are available here.
This year’s series of ALYAS was special as it was open mainly for the growing and diverse community of program’s alumni. They had a chance to participate on closed discussions with experts such as Dr. Michito Tsuruoka from Keio University in Japan who spoke about security in Northeast Asia, Dr. Chiang Chia-Ming from Soochow University in Taiwan talking about democratic transition in Taiwan, or Dr. Jagannath Panda from Institute of Defense Studies and Analysis in New Delhi, who focused on Sino-Indian relations.