What do the Czech political parties think about Czech Republic’s place in the world? How do they position themselves towards the major international challenges of today such as climate change, the deteriorating human rights situation or migration? How to successfully handle the Presidency of the Council of the EU? What stance to take towards the US, Russia or China? And how should Czechia project itself in its own neighbourhood?
These are some of the questions that representatives of political parties running in this year’s Czech parliamentary elections will be discussing. As part of the event, the annual publication of the Association for International Affairs “Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2021” will be presented.
The event will be moderated by Ondřej Houska (Hospodářské noviny)
17:30-18:00 – Registration and coffee
18:00 – Presentation of the Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2021 – Pavlína Janebová, Director of Research, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
18:15-20:00 – Visions for Czech foreign policy – debate of candidates of political subjects
- ANO – Jaroslav Bžoch, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- ČSSD – Lubomír Zaorálek, Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic
- KSČM – Daniel Pawlas, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- PirSTAN – Jan Lipavský, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- Přísaha – Jana Chaloupková, diplomat, writer
- SPD – Jiří Kobza, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
- SPOLU – Ondřej Benešík, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (TBC)
If you are interested in participating, please register at https://bit.ly/Agenda_2021_prezentace.
Based on the current measures and recommendations with regard to the covid-19 pandemic, you will be asked at the entrance to submit confirmation of a negative PCR test (max. 7 days old), an antigen test (max. 72 hours old), confirmation of having recovered from covid-19 within 180 days before the day of the event or having been vaccinated, provided the last dose was not administered less than 14 days prior to the event.
During the event, we require you to cover your nose and mouth with a respirator/ face mask.
- Date and time
September 22th, 2021, 6pm CET
- Location
Kaiserštejnský Palace
- Organizer
- Czech (with English interpretation)
- Official hashtag
- #Agenda2021