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Association for International Affairs

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On April 7, the Association for International Affairs organized a public discussion with representatives of Czech parliamentary parties on the topic of Czech Foreign Policy after the 2010 Elections. The debate was held on the premises of the CERGE-EI Institute. New volume of the annual publication of policy recommendations “Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2010” was presented at the event.

Among speakers were representatives of six political parties present in the Czech Parliament: Alexandr Vondra of ODS, Lubomír Zaorálek from ČSSD, Kateřina Konečná on behalf of KSČM, Jana Hybášková as a candidate for KDU-ČSL, Jiří Čáslavka of SZ and Marek Ženíšek from TOP09.

Discussion focused not only on the position of the Czech Republic in the European Union, but also its initiatives within the North Atlantic Alliance, bilateral relations and other relevant topics. Politicians evaluated the current stage of Czech foreign policy and strived to define its future goals.
All participants agreed on the importance of Czech foreign relations for the economy and security

of the state, as well as the need of consistency and continuity of Czech position towards international partners. Consensus reigned also over the necessity of a revival of foreign policy discussion in the Czech Parliament and increasing broader public awareness.

Speakers reached common opinion with regards to the need to redefine Czech foreign policy. However, in particular cases concerning the Lisbon Treaty or participation of Czech soldiers in foreign missions for instance, their positions differed in principle.

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