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Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2011

Tomáš Karásek Tomáš Karásek / Ed. 13. 1. 2016
Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2011

AMO annual publication on foreign policy of the Czech Republic and its priority areas provides on one hand, a review of Czech foreign policy performance in 2010. On the other hand, the authors – analysts and external collaborators of the Reserch Center – bring their policy recommendations for 2011.

“While, for the Czech Republic, 2009 was a year of tension and expectations associated with the country’s European Union Presidency, the past twelve months have been relatively quiet, perhaps even boring, in foreign policy. On the other hand, in 2010 there were no cold showers for the Czech diplomatic service akin to the overthrowing of the government in the middle of the EU Presidency. If, in the wake of our experience of such extemporization, we were to approach our analysis of Czech foreign policy with inevitable scepticism, ultimately the last year can be viewed in quite a positive light,” authors claim at the introduction.

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Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2011
Tomáš Karásek, Vít Dostál, Michal Thim, Vladimír Beroun, Tomáš Búry, Jan Husák, Ivana Jemelková, Viera Knutelská, Jakub Kulhánek, Martin Laryš, Tomáš Maule, Filip Moravec, Iva Petříčková, Ondřej Picka, Jan Prášil, Alice Rezková, Jiří Skoupý, Jana Slavníková, Karel Svoboda, Jan Šír, Karel Ulík, Michal Vít Download
Czech European policy 154
Czech Republic 624
Czech foreign policy 257
Czech security policy 74
European Union 389
Visegrad Group 260
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