AMO annual publication on foreign policy of the Czech Republic and its priority areas provides on one hand a review of Czech foreign policy performance in 2009. On the other hand, the authors – analysts and external collaborators of the Reserch Center – bring their policy recommendations for the year 2010.
“The fifth edition of the Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy presents the reader with a review of last year‘s international events in regard to the Czech foreign policy, a year when the Czech Republic and her foreign policy commemorated the twentieth anniversary of the fall of communism. Certain aspects of Czech foreign policy in 2009 – in particular the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU – offered a symbolic closure to all transformational efforts in the country. This does not, however automatically mean, as many of the contributions in this volume demonstrate, that all compelling political and social reforms have been implemented. Foreign policy remains at times an unnecessary captive of domestic politics and rehashed argumentations,” director of AMO Maria Staszkiewicz claims at the preface.