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František Novotný

František Novotný

Member of AMO Supervisory Board

František Novotný is a member of AMO Supervisory Board.

Currently, he works at the European policies coordination department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, with a focus on the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. He previously worked in the NGO sector, besides AMO for the “Rekonstrukce státu” team of the organization Frank Bold and in Relief and development department of People in Need. He graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University with a Master’s degree in Security studies.

From 2015 to 2020, František was part of the Prague Student Summit organizational team, spending the last two years as deputy chief coordinator. He is a member of AMO since 2018, and of its Supervisory Board since September 2022.

He is a member of the political movement Idealisté.

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