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Eastern Partnership Riga Summit – Critical Background Reading

AMO AMO / Ed. 27. 11. 2015

The Road to Riga

New Eastern Europe is providing exclusive coverage ahead, during and after the summit with opinions and analysis on what we can realistically expect to happen during the Riga Summit and what is next for the Eastern Partnership – the key question that will emerge.

Trends of the Eastern Partnership

Association for International Affairs (Prague)

“Important, Forgotten, or Irrelevant? Stakeholders’ Survey on Post-Vilnius Eastern Partnership” was a project drawn up to map the ideas and opinions of influential figures from the Visegrad Group and Eastern Partnership partner countries regarding the EaP initiative, and how they believe it could move forward. V4 countries share the view that the EaP mainly works to the benefit of partner countries by consolidating political co-operation. However, closer study of the data reveals that preferences for economic and political integration are split, as Slovak and Hungarian respondents favour the former, Polish and Czech the latter.”

Původní vydání: Eastern Partnership Riga Summit – Critical Background Reading

Bělorusko 287
Evropa 3475
Evropská unie 2235
Postsovětský prostor 427
Ukrajina 1162
Východní partnerství 252
Odesláno, děkujeme.
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