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Hybrid Threats

Jitka Richterová Jitka Richterová / Ed. 17. 3. 2016

Have you recently read about the strange and mysterious-like hybrid concept of war in media rising around the Ukrainian crisis? Did you wonder what exactly hybrid war is and why do they mention it all the time? And what does NATO have in common with all that?

The concept of hybrid war is as old as warfare itself, yet the newly emerging one. How is that possible and what does it mean? Warfare mix that used to be common in large history battles became less common with international treaties and new technologies. The hybrid war brings up certain “originality”. It could be called perhaps more complicated and less transparent conflicts. The “originality” of contemporary hybrid warfare makes it very challenging for the NATO to effectively battle it.

We will explain what is hybrid warfare, how to define hybrid threats, its common tactics, aspects of attack and defence as well as phases of hybrid warfare, all that to begin with. As soon as we introduce properly the concept, the attention will be redirected to countering hybrid threats in the context of NATO as well as what NATO has done to fight back so far and what are the trends and concepts for future in order to deal with hybrid threats effectively.

The hybrid warfare is one of the most challenging topics of NATO nowadays as it includes military, civilians, regional and supranational organizations. In order to understand the concept you need to know more about its tactics and aspects before you see how to battle them. So go ahead, dig in deeper and put yourself in the shoes of military general, regional politician or international diplomat. How would you counter it?


Hybrid Threats
Jitka Richterová Stáhnout
Evropa 3475
NATO 455
Postsovětský prostor 427
mezinárodní bezpečnost 1413
válka na Ukrajině 785
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