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Cooperation of CE Countries in Response to Situation in Russian Federation and in Ukraine

Vendula Kotyzová / Ed. 10. 2. 2016

All four Visegrád countries have been a part of the Soviet block in the past, althought their current positions towards Russian federation may now differ. If we speak specifically about annexation of Crimea, an important fact is that all presidents of V4 countries denounced the action unanimously. However, historical development and economic situation causes certain differences in positions of individual countries that will play role in the negotiations.

The delegates of Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Germany will have a chance to discuss their cooperation in response to current situation. If they decide for a joint action, it will also depend to what extent the countries feel endangered by the situation and try to cooperate to strenghten their position, or whether the delegates will decide to accept a path of negotiating and building relationships with Russian Federation. Important topics on which the delegates will have to reach satisfying compromises during negotiations are for example energetical and generally economic dependence on Russia, Ukraine’s integration into EU and NATO, and of course if we talk about possible cooperation in defense we can’t forget to mention Visegrád Battlegroup and its future significance.


Cooperation of CE Countries in Response to Situation in Russian Federation and in Ukraine
Vendula Kotyzová, Vojtěch Bahenský, Jakub Kufčák Stáhnout
Evropa 3475
Německo 481
Postsovětský prostor 427
Rusko 1458
Ukrajina 1162
Visegrádská skupina 541
válka na Ukrajině 785
Odesláno, děkujeme.
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