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How to realize „Fit for 55“ goals under the war in Ukraine

Oldřich Sklenář Oldřich Sklenář / Ed. 19. 5. 2022

On 13 April 2022 the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform along with the Association for International Affairs, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research, Instytut Jagielloński and Slovak Foreign Policy Association organized an online workshop “How to realize "Fit for 55" goals under the war in Ukraine”.

In the first part three speakers presented conclusions of their studies: “Fit for 55 – How to lift 2030 climate ambitions?” (Veronika Oravcová – SFPA), “The envisaged effects of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism in the region” (Oldřich Sklenář – AMO) and “Renewable energy auctions systems in the V4 countries” (Christian Schnell – Instytut Jagielloński).The workshop continued with a panel discussion on the topic „How can we manage the climate goals and the energy transition and also the current situation with the war in Ukraine“, in which participated Gabriela Fisherová (Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic), Tomáš Smejkal (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic), Laszlo Szabo (REKK) and Marcin Roszkowski (IJ).

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