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CHOICE Newsletter: Chinese Special Envoy Li Hui is Touring Europe…Again

Kara Němečková Kara Němečková / Ed. 10. 3. 2024
CHOICE Newsletter: Chinese Special Envoy Li Hui is Touring Europe…Again

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In this edition of the CHOICE newsletter, we discuss the visit of Chinese special peace envoy Li Hui to European capitals and present our latest outputs.

Over the weekend, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Galuzin Mikhail Yuryevichz to discuss the „political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.“ He is also visiting Brussels, Warsaw, Kyiv, Berlin and Paris as part of his tour.

Having a déjà vu? Last year, Li Hui toured the aforementioned European capitals during a 12-day trip that followed the publication of Beijing’s „Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis,“ often mislabeled as a peace plan. The mission failed to build a common ground for negotiations or achieve any tangible results for that matter.

Celý newsletter si přečtěte pod odkazem níže.

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