Czech Politics Between General and Presidential Elections: Stalemate and Chaos
Vláda Andreje Babiše nedostala důvěru. Jaký je možný následující vývoj a jak do něj zasáhne volba prezidenta ČR pro Visegrad Insight v novém textu diskutuje Vít Dostál.
The clear winner of the Czech general elections, populist Andrej Babiš, is a lonesome man. Despite some ad hoc cooperation with extreme forces, the political class has positioned itself as a united front against him. Now, the Chamber of Deputies has voted no-confidence for his cabinet. But this wall of resistance is brittle.
The Czech Republic finds itself trapped between two elections. After the October general elections, a minority government was formed by the ANO party of populist billionaire Andrej Babiš, but failed to obtain a vote of confidence last week in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Czech parliament
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