Hledáme neziskovou organizaci (NNO), která bude realizovat advokační aktivity související s EU ETS 2 a Sociálním klimatickým fondem s důrazem na sociální spravedlnost a klimatickou efektivitu skrze zapojení do českého procesu implementace EU ETS 2, přípravy a schvalování Národního sociálního klimatického plánu a realizace Sociálního klimatického fondu. Níže uvádíme informace o projektu a očekávaných aktivitách, vybraná NNO se bude podílet zejména na výstupek z balíčku WP4 a částečně také z balíčku WP5.
Zadavatel: AMO klima
Projekt: LIFE EFFECT: Effective and Fair European Carbon Trading: Ensuring EU carbon pricing and revenue use serves the climate and society
Hodnota zakázky: €12 000
Období pro podání nabídek: 15. prosince 2024 – 15. ledna 2025
Podmínky účasti ve výběrovém řízení
Přihláška by měla obsahovat návrh aktivit, které uchazeč plánuje realizovat, informace o řešitelském týmu a stručný popis relevantních zkušeností v podobných aktivitách či tématech. Nabídky musí být podány elektronicky na e-mailovou adresu: kristina.zindulkova@amo.cz a vit.dostal@amo.cz do 15. 1. 2025.
Kritéria hodnocení
- Odborná způsobilost: Uchazeč musí být neziskovou organizací se zkušenostmi v advokační práci v tématech spojených s EU ETS 2 a SCF.
- Konflikt zájmů: Uchazeč nesmí mít v tématu žádný konflikt zájmů.
- Kvalita návrhu: Přihlášky budou posuzovány podle kritéria hodnoty za peníze.
Informace k projektu
Project summary: This project aims to improve the knowledge, capacity and networking of civil society and other key actors on the issues related to the EU’s Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS 2) and the related Social Climate Fund (SCF), to inspire and enable them to engage with national and EU policy processes. Additionally, the project will raise awareness and understanding of these topics among EU citizens, leading them to show their support for emissions trading that delivers for climate and society. These engagements will help ensure that national implementation of the EU ETS and the SCF occurs in a way that maximises the climate benefits by promoting rapid decarbonisation and secures social justice by protecting vulnerable households and leaving nobody behind. By so doing, the project will contribute to fair and effective carbon pricing policies. These objectives will be achieved by harnessing the knowledge and experience of an expert consortium of partners from across Europe. Together, they will generate new knowledge, create a new international network of stakeholders, build civil society capacity and run effective and highly engaging communications and advocacy campaigns.
Package WP4: Ensuring social justice and climate effectiveness in the Social Climate Fund and National Social Climate Plans
Objectives: By 2027, the implementation and next legislative review of EU ETS (including ETS2, SCF, and first NSCPs) have been demonstrably influenced towards environmentally ambitious, socially just measures, through enhanced knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and joint advocacy of target European climate and social CSOs at EU and national level, directly in 7 EU Member States and indirectly in at least 7 additional countries (WP4, WP5). Measures are considered environmentally ambitious and socially just if they promote climate policies that protect middle and lower-income households real incomes. This includes transparent and visible direct payments to counter price increases of carbon pricing as well as by subsidising technology switch for households facing specific challenges.
A successful implementation of the SCF is important for future EU climate policy. Failure to deliver on the EU’s most prominent policy – the Social Climate Fund – to accompany carbon pricing with social objectives would call into question the resolve of populations across the EU to continue pursuing ambitious EU climate policies.
By promoting social justice and climate effectiveness within the SCF and NSCP process this work package will contribute to several EU policies. By highlighting the need for investment of SCF revenue in retrofitting or renewable energy installation within the outputs of T4.1-5, the employment and skilling of workers in critical green technology will be promoted (European Skills Agenda). Effective NSCPs can help tackle energy poverty, and address social inequalities, a key principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Additionally, the work on heating decarbonisation entailed by the SCF policies will feedback into the definition of the National Renovation Plans of the EPBD. Lastly, an increased roll-out of more efficient and renewable heating will contribute to the objectives of the REpower EU initiative, fostering EU’s energy independence.
Expected results: WP4 will deliver joint position statements, SCF and NSCP guidelines, a joint manifesto and a best-practice advocacy guide on NSCPs, leading to targeted, co-ordinated action between at least ten CSOs in at least four countries, towards shaping the first set of National Social Climate Plans in the four to eight of the core targeted EU countries, to influence the use of ETS revenues, in particular SCF resources.
T4.5 Monitor implementation of NSCPs and ensure efficiency in spending of EU funds: Noting the importance of ensuring social and climate goals are achieved in SCF spending, the task participants will attempt to leverage the consensus between social and environmental CSOs to monitor spending of SCF funds after the start of the disbursement period beginning 2026. The task lead will coordinate the work to gather information from national energy agencies and ministries on the results of the SCF spending both in terms of energy savings, renewable deployment and energy poverty reduction. A policy brief (D4.5 – month 24) will be produced, with two follow-up workshops delivered (under T3.5) after July 2025 on lessons learnt from first round of NSCPs, preparing policy coordination for position for further evolution of SCF and NSCPs (in close coordination with WP5 on ETS 1 & ETS 2 linking).
Package WP5: Delivering increased climate ambition and environmental integrity by improving the functioning of the EU carbon market (ETS 1 and ETS 2)
Objectives: By 2027, the implementation and next legislative review of EU ETS (including ETS2, SCF, and first NSCPs) has been demonstrably strengthened towards environmentally ambitious, socially just measures, through enhanced knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and joint advocacy of target European climate and social CSOs at EU and national level in 8 EU Member States.
Expected results: WP5 will deliver a tailored advocacy support package (guides, strategy, framework for national-level advocacy) enabling more inclusive engagement and impactful advocacy of CSOs across the EU, towards national and EU-level decision makers, with consistent messaging, to promote environmental integrity and social justice in the implementation and review of the EU ETS. Specific attention will be given to the effective implementation of the ETS2 in a way that ensures high environmental integrity and fair and adequate support for European citizens in the transition, supporting EU policies across buildings and transport sector decarbonisation .
WP5 contributes to the important aim of increasing civil participation in EU policy making, with Article 11 of the treaty of the EU outlining the need for civil society to have an active role in formulating EU laws. An expected result of WP5 will be the strengthened ability of civil society to engage with existing channels for civil dialogue within the EU, enabling participatory democracy in line with the recommendations from the Conference on the Future of Europe. Often underrepresented voices in political debates such as just transition regions will be directly referred to within the advocacy strategy to contribute to the EU’s aims of economic, social and territorial cohesion as deemed necessary by Article 174-178 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. Furthermore, delivering increased climate ambition and environmental integrity by improving the functioning of the EU carbon market will deliver protection from climate change, with the right to a sustainable environment increasingly recognised by the EU as a human right via article 37 of the Charter of Fundamental Right.
T.5.2 2040 target advocacy strategy: The analytical basis for this work will be provided by T.2.2 (WP2) which includes a study on 2040 targets to incorporate arguments for the governance of a more effective and fairer EU ETS. A comprehensive advocacy strategy will be developed, containing civil society priorities for strengthening the EU ETS Directive (MS9) including a framework to organise and facilitate joint advocacy meetings with relevant policy makers in the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the EU Council. This will enable all project partners and other civil society organisations to develop EU and national-level advocacy and political outreach on project topics through meetings with policy- and decision-makers, events, letters, briefings and media work. This task contributes to project partners engaging directly with 200 policymakers and regulators at national and EU level to formulate and convey key demands for further improving central features of the ETS 2 and ETS 1 (to be verified by number of meetings organised, briefings and letters sent).
T5.3 Policy monitoring and development of national position papers and policy recommendations: To support impactful and transparent implementation of the existing EU ETS Directive at national level, task participants will conduct ongoing national-level policy monitoring and analysis. The task lead will develop a framework for national-level advocacy and political outreach on project topics and provide input to relevant meetings, calls, events, briefings and media work. Task participants will use the input proved by T5.1 (for example, related to the monitoring on the annual allocation of ETS funds) and T.5.2 (for example, related to national impacts of strengthening the EU 2040 climate target) to develop national position papers and policy recommendations (D5.2), including strategic dissemination and communication thereof.