Voice for CHOICE #33: Discussing Prague Castle’s China Policy with Petr Kolář

Další díl podcastu se věnuje aktuální česko-čínské politice Pražského hradu.
After the honeymoon period of Czech-China relations that started in 2013, the bilateral ties gradually soured. This shift was linked to the perceived lack of benefits stemming from economic cooperation and various security-related events that gave rise to skepticism regarding the profitability and viability of closer ties with China. The current government, sworn in 2021, has been cautious towards Beijing and has worked towards improvement of ties with Taiwan. In March this year, Speaker of the Parliament Markéta Pekarová Adamová led a strong delegation to Taipei, resulting in the signing of a number of business deals and establishing cooperation between academia, and even military, and security services. The new President Petr Pavel made news for speaking over the phone with Tsai Ying-wen, who called him in January to congratulate him on his election victory. Czechia thus established itself as one of Taiwan’s best friends within the EU.
This month’s guest
- Petr Kolář, Advisor to the Czech President Petr Pavel, Senior Advisor at Squire Patton Boggs Prague.